Friday, May 4, 2007

Spirit update

Spirit is a silly horse. Apparently she thought that the mulch pile would be a good thing to eat. Horses cannot digest large amounts of bark. A horse has about 70 feet (22meters) of intestines. This horse has mulch throughout her entire gut! IT all had to be cleaned out. She also had some in her stomach. The stomach is a bad place. Horses cannot vomit, if they do their stomach usually ruptures. If this should happen the horse will die, violently. They could not open her stomach so it is being pumped every four hours until it is all out. She is not allowed to eat until it is gone. She will be in Knoxville until she is able to eat on her own ad has a normal bowel movement. After she is home she will have to be in a stall for the next 2 months allowed out only on a lead rope 3 times a day for 10 -15 minutes. She is in greatest danger of colicing again in the next 18 months, which could prove fatal next time. So I guess I have a summer job of walking a horse!
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Astaryth said...

Well, mostly good news.... And, I feel for you. I currently have one horse here that gets a walk 2x a day for 30 minutes. He, of course, would like to run and play and doesn't totally understand the need to be quiet. Poor little guy. But, he is sweet and easily manageable, so we are getting by!

I've known horses in the past that recover from colic surgery and never have another problem.. I hope Spirit is one of them! AND, now you know she will eat anything and it's easier to prevent something once you are aware of it!

Gattina said...

OMG ! that's bad news ! Poor Spirit ! I hope she doesn't suffer too much !
I also have bad news. My Arthur has squeezed his tail ! Poor thing !