Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Cats on Tuesday

Buddy is my favorite kitty of all of those that live here. He is soft and loving and mean at the same time. You can be holding him and he will be purring and licking your face , hand, whatever he can reach. Heavens forbid you get up. You can place him in the best place there is and he will turn real fast and swat at you! Gives you that look that says how dare you move! You leave me in your lap(shoulder, back, arms, where ever he is) until I decide to move!
In this picture Buddy was looking out the window when the birds in the cage directly across from him started raising ruckus.
Gattina is back. Go see her for more Cats on Tuesday!


Ingrid said...

Buddy reminds me of Arthur only he has longer hairs. Arthur is not very affectionated you can do with him everything you want when he sleeps, but don't dare to touch him when he sits there and stares at you then he growls like a dog !
Tomorrow I will post two little videos of a whirling Dervish whom I filmed in Egypt. If you have time, have a look it is really amazing how these guys whirl around for at least 20 min without getting dizzy and falling on the stage !

Andree said...

Blogger!! I am having problems with photo on my site and photos on other sites, but not everybody. And now I can't see Buddy! GRRRRRRRRRRR

Andree said...

AHA I see Buddy! You know my lover cat is also Buddy. But he is all battle scarred, not gorgeous (well, I think he is gorgeous!). I'm glad I got to see your Buddy again.

Anonymous said...

Your white cat is beautiful! He makes me think to my Patouf not for the colour but for loving people around him and be always the nicest cat!

Phelan said...

We just got two new memebers to the homestead. One is white with a black and grey stripped tail. First white cat I have ever had. Her name is salt, as we got a grey and black kitten named pepper. (Now I feel old because I jokingly said we need another cat to name spinderella, and my oldest just looked at me funny. ~sigh~

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Buddy is just like Garlic. He looks like Garlic too. Garlic just LOVES, more like obsessed, with licking. He'll lick your fingers (if you let him) until your skin comes off and he'll continue licking.